The Contact Centre is merely a customer interaction centre, a central point of our organization from which all customers are managed.

Our Company's Relationship Management (CRM) team-profiles, tracks and gather data, before the Customer's call is routed to a specialized agent for further assistance.

We resolve and respond professionally to all inquiries or disputes that customers have through the telephone.
From that point onwards, we handle the 360 degrees of our clients' customers to ensure that we are sufficiently providing Customer Acquisition services, Customer Care services and Customer Retention.

  • Customer Acquisition
  • Customer Care
  • Customer Retention

Customer Acquisition

General & Product Information Lines
Response to Advertisement
Inbound / Outbound Tele-Sales
Order Taking & Processing
Lead Generation
Appointment Setting
Data Management (Building, profiling & Validation)
Up-selling & Cross-Selling programs
Marketing Surveys Execution

Customer Care

Welcome Call Programs
Customer Services
Help-Desk Services
Complaints Management
Maintenance Scheduling
Appointment Setting
Location Services
Billing Services
Subscription Management
Data Management (Building, profiling & Validation)

Customer Retention

Loyalty Programs Execution
Customer Retention (Anti-Attrition Calls)
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Debt Management
Subscription Renewals